Benefits Of A Scalp Massage For Your Hair

Full-body massages are relaxing, sure, but have you ever tried a scalp massage? Pure heaven.

In today's article, we'll list down scalp massage benefits for your hair and why you should get one right now!


1. Promotes healthy hair growth

One of the scalp massage benefits that we absolutely love is the ability to promote healthy hair growth. If you're looking for a tried and tested way to get thicker and stronger hair, then scalp massages are certainly for you.

By regularly massaging your scalp, you're helping to promote the growth of strands from existing follicles, as well as promoting the development of new and healthy hair follicles.

It doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get thicker hair in terms of strand quantity, but there's a chance that the strands themselves will become thicker over time. This will eventually give the appearance of a fuller head of hair.

2. Stimulates blood circulation

Keeping your hair follicles healthy is very important in keeping your hair strong and beautiful. While the rest of your strands are actually dead–now you know why it doesn't hurt to break off a strand–your hair follicles are completely alive.

Sadly, there are some times that hair follicles can get blocked, usually by dirt or other pollutants. In cases like this, the best remedy would be to induce dilation of the arteries in order to increase blood flow and unblock these blocked follicles. And what's a good way to increase blood flow?

That's right – scalp massages! They can greatly improve blood flow to follicles by stimulating circulation, which in turn helps keep your hair gorgeous and healthy.

3. Greatly lowers stress levels

Nobody likes being stressed, and what better way to lower your stress levels than by getting a massage?

Although a full-body massage is enough to relax your entire body – head included – a scalp massage feels even better for reducing stress, especially since it's much nearer to your brain.

Stress causes plenty of adverse effects on the body, including potential hair loss. If you're consistently getting stressed, there's a high chance that you may experience balding sooner than later in life.

4. Helps regulate sebum production

Sebum, another term for the oil that your own body produces, is an important part of maintaining a healthy scalp. Without proper sebum production, your hair will develop several issues that shouldn't be present in healthy scaps.

For instance, too little sebum will cause dry scalp, which can lead to dandruff and itchiness. It may also lead to oily hair since your scalp with try to overcompensate for the lack of sebum. Obviously, you wouldn't want that either.

5. Soothes your scalp

Last but definitely not the least, massaging your scalp on a daily basis helps soothe your scalp.

While this may not necessarily have a direct connection with growing your hair, having something that soothes you at the end of a tiring day is certainly a welcome addition to your daily routine. And you finally see the effect it has on your crowning glory? even better.

As you can see, scalp massages are very beneficial for your hair! The best part of this is that they're extremely easy to do – in fact, you can even do them yourself, in the comforts of your own home. Remember to make it a daily habit and you're sure to see the good effects in no time at all!

For more hair tips and tricks, check out our ZALA blog!

August 31, 2019
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