How To Keep Your Scalp Healthy

It’s rare to see people making an effort to keep their scalp healthy, but the truth is, it’s something that deserves more attention. If your scalp itself is already damaged, how can you expect to grow healthy strands?

Indeed, a healthy scalp is the key to having healthy strands. In this article, we’ll discuss how to keep your scalp healthy so you can begin nourishing your hair from the roots. 


Don't shampoo every day

Daily shampooing – and washing – is not good, whether for your strands or for your scalp.

Both water and shampoo are extremely drying, as they can strip away your scalp’s natural oils. Of course, letting your hair become oily is not good, but keeping it stone dry isn’t ideal either.

It’s best to strike a balance between the two which means regular, but not frequent, washing should do the trick.

Your scalp is part of your skin as well, and as you know, exfoliation is very important in keeping your skin healthy.

Don't forget to exfoliate

Wondering how to maintain a healthy scalp with exfoliation, or how exfoliation can help your scalp? To say it simply, exfoliation helps your skin (and scalp) by preventing the build-up of dead skin on the surface. It also helps scrub away dirt and dead skin, thus giving way to the healthy skin underneath.

When it comes to your scalp, exfoliation can help prevent dandruff. It can also help you keep your hair cleaner for longer.

Do be gentle on your scalp

Do Be Gentle On Your Scalp
At the same time, it’s important to always be gentle on your scalp too.When you’re combing or brushing your hair, make sure that you’re not pushing the comb or brush too deep.If your scalp is itchy, try not to scratch it too much, especially if you have long fingernails. Doing so could damage and even wound your scalp, which could open you up to new problems.When you’re shampooing or conditioning your hair, just rub gently so as not to accidentally hurt your scalp while you’re in the shower.

Do occasional scalp massages

Scalp massages are very helpful for keeping your scalp healthy and stimulated. You don’t have to do it often, but a massage once or twice a week is very good for improving blood circulation in your scalp, promoting healthy hair growth and improving your strands’ condition.

To see more benefits of scalp massages for your hair, here’s our article about this topic.

Do use hair oils

You can use hair oils to keep your hair, and your strands, moisturized at all times. Some of the best hair oils for your hair are listed in here.

After shampooing and conditioning your hair, add in a few drops of hair oil to your hair in order to keep your scalp moisturized as you go about your day. Remember, a well-nourished scalp is less likely to develop dandruff, itchy scalp, and eczema.

Other than that, hair oils can also help protect your strands from pollution in the environment, as well as the sun’s harmful rays.

Now, your searches for “how to keep scalp healthy” are over. It's time to apply these methods to improve your scalp’s health.

For more hair care tips and tricks, don’t forget to check out our ZALA blog!

September 28, 2019
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