What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a natural thing that has affected, is affecting, and will be affecting each and every one of us. Yes, even the best of us will eventually be experiencing this problem, and nobody's immune to it.

But what exactly causes hair loss? Why do some people experience it sooner than later? Why do we see people with receding hairlines even if they're only in their 30s or even late 20s? Can anything be done to prevent it?


What causes hair loss?

There are many reasons why hair loss happens. In many cases, hair loss is not even caused by just individual reason. Usually, it's due to a combination of several reasons.

Here are some of the most common reasons why people experience hair loss.

1. Illness

Illnesses that are left untreated are some of the most common reasons why people experience hair loss.

Many times, hair loss is simply a symptom of an underlying problem. But sometimes, hair loss is the problem itself. For instance, there's a condition called alopecia that causes hair to fall off in chunks.

2. Diet

Your body is a direct reflection of your diet. If you're not eating well, your body is likely to suffer as a consequence.

Similarly, the same thing can be said about your hair. If you always eat processed and fatty foods, it's highly likely that you'll encounter more problems later down the road.

3. Routine

There's a reason why we always say that having a proper hair care routine is important. So many people take their hair for granted and then wonder why it develops split ends or gets damaged.

For instance, if you're always out under the sun without using hair sunscreen, don't be surprised if it becomes dry and dehydrated later on. If you're never combing your hair and you're always just putting it in a tight bun straight out of the shower, then you really have no right to be shocked when you notice your receding hairline at age 29.

4. Lifestyle

Lifestyle is also another important factor. Some people like to party, smoke, and drink all night long. We're not saying it's automatically bad, it's your life to live, after all, but remember – always do things in moderation.

That includes having fun, and on the other hand, that also includes managing your job. Having a proper work-life balance is very important. Don't forget, constant stress is one of the biggest causes of alopecia.

5. Genetics

Last but not the least, your genetics also have a lot to do with whether or not you're going to have a full head of hair in your 60s.

The easiest way to see this is to look around at your own family. Do the older people in your family all have gray hair at 30 and receding hairlines at 40? Do they often suffer from hair fall?

Of course, it's not really as straightforward as that, but it's a good way to make an educated guess if your DNA is just more prone to hair loss.

Why do some people lose hair sooner?

As mentioned above, it's usually a combination of two or more reasons why people experience hair loss.

Now, if someone is always partying and smoking, eats junk food all the time, and doesn't maintain a proper hair care routine, there's a good chance that they might experience hair loss much sooner. Someone who is always stressed and whose genes are already predisposed towards hair loss is more likely to lose their hair sooner, as well.

Here at ZALA, we promote healthy living. Your body is your temple, and your hair is your crowning glory. Treat them the way they deserve and you'll certainly live a happier life as well!

For more hair tips and tricks, don't forget to check out our ZALA blog!

September 14, 2019
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