How To Improve Hair Texture

Our hair isn’t perfect, no matter how much we want it to be. What’s worse is if you used to have strong, shiny hair, but due to one reason or another, find that that’s no longer the case.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to improve hair texture, regardless of the type!


1. Focus on making your hair healthy

Your hair is not just the sum of its parts. Understandably, you want your hair to be the best version of itself. 

However, don’t be too concerned about the appearance of your hair. Rather, focus more on making your hair healthy from the inside, and not just on the outside. If you keep your hair well-nourished and moisturized at all times, then appearances will follow as well. Your hair will soon appear thick, shiny, and much more alive!

2. Improve your diet

Speaking of healthy, one of the easiest and most straightforward way to improve your hair texture is to improve your diet. As discussed in the previous post, many times, poor hair can be attributed to poor diet.

Remember, your skin, hair, and nails require plenty of nutrition that you can get from food. If you’re always eating unhealthy food such as junk foods, processed foods, and sugary foods, then your health will suffer. Instead of eating a double cheeseburger and vanilla frappuccino, why not replace it with something healthier? Whole-wheat bread is better than white bread and water is always better than any sugary beverage.

Always make sure to eat lots of foods that are rich in protein as well as biotin, like eggs, nuts, and fish. These are tried and tested foods if you really want to make your hair shine!

3. Be diligent with your haircare routine

There’s a reason why it’s called a ‘routine’ – it’s supposed to be done regularly. If you’re only doing your ‘routine’ every now and then, how is it even called a routine?

Being diligent with any routine, much less your regular haircare routine, may seem bothersome at times, but believe us, it’s good for you. Your hair needs constant moisture, nourishment, and care in order to stay in tip-top shape. Don’t ever forget your routine!

4. Avoid too many chemical treatments

There’s nothing wrong with chemical treatments, but there is such a thing as too much. And you know what they say about too much, right?

It’s alright to go to a salon every now and then for a hair procedure, but don’t overdo it. Hair rebonding and hair perming should only be done once a year. Hair coloring, every few months. Hair bleaching? A couple of weeks to a month in between each session. Yes, we know it’s hard to wait, especially if you’re dealing with bad hair, but rarely do things turn out well if you rush them.

5. Do be patient

Last but not the least, do be patient. Your hair texture didn’t change overnight, so there’s no way you can improve it overnight, too.

This is especially true if your hair changed due to medications or hormonal changes. What, are you supposed to just stop taking your meds so that your hair will look prettier? Seriously, you’d rather not be able to sleep at night because of pain just to get your hair texture back? And let’s not even go to hormonal imbalances caused by pregnancy in women.

What about you, how did you improve your hair texture? Share your experiences in the comments below!

For more hair tips and tricks, don’t forget to check out our ZALA blog!

November 17, 2019
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